The Erasmus+ project Start your own business, 2018-1-HR01-KA202-047409, aims at developing business skills and encouraging self-employment among the students.
The development of student creativity is achieved by promoting business culture, initiative, critical thinking and risk evaluation as key elements for advancing and applying economic activities in the context of open market and competition in business.
The project aims at improving the quality of vocational programs by introducing Entrepreneurship as an elective course or cross curricular subject. This will hopefully increase the interest in vocational programs and help students realize the importance of lifelong learning.
Through practical work in training firms, students will not only develop entrepreneurship skills, but also business communication, mathematical competences in order to analyse marketing trends, marketing skills using ICT, as well as social and citizenship skills.
The value of this project lies in two innovative multimedia handbooks:
''Entrepreneurship in the classroom'' for teachers to help them teach the topic of entrepreneurship, with additonal Lesson Plans
''Step by step towards your own business'' for students and entrepreneurship beginners.
Srednja škola Hrvatski kralj Zvonimir, Krk, Croatia
Ida-Virumaa Kutsehariduskeskus, Sillamäe, Estonia
Berufskolleg Meschede des HSK, Meschede, Germany
Zespol Szkol Ponadgimnazjalnych w Somoninie im. Jozefa Wybickiego, Somonino, Poland
Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra, Portugal
ADDRESS: Srednja škola Hrvatski kralj Zvonimir, Vinogradska 3, 51500 Krk, Croatia
TEL: +385 51 221 400